A group of local men met on September 26, 1929, and formed the Tafton Fire Company with Thomas Robinson, President; George Robinson, Vice President; Harry Quick, Secretary: Emil Englehart, Treasurer. Their major immediate concern was raising money to purchase a truck with the minimum necessary equipment for fighting fires.
A charter was drawn up by J. Wilson Ames and approved on March 19, 1934 by the charter members of: Thomas Robinson, George Robinson, John Keuling, Robert Hubener, Harry Quick, Solomon Dirk, Lynn Keuling, Claude Seeley, Sr., Erastus Seeley, Isaac Spellman, Charles Singer, Albert Creswell, Herbert Jones, Fred Singer, Leonard Ansley, Leslie Singer, Emil Englehart.
Their first truck was a used Larabee purchased from Lackawaxen for $150.00. New fire hoses were purchased from G. Matter & Sons of Hawley. John DeMany painted the truck which was lettered by Mr. Zoppy.
June 1950, a building committee was formed to discuss the size of a building and to order the materials needed. The fire hall was built by Steve Vasisco on land donated for that purpose by the Seeley family. After being built, several local organizations held their meetings in the hall, which often serves as a community hall. With the addition of a new fire truck and an ambulance, more room was needed so an addition was constructed in 1956.
The Tafton Fire Company was awarded the Benjamin Rush Award, having been nominated by the Pike-Wayne Medical Society in 1966. This was the first time the award was given to an organization for outstanding community service. Receiving the award on behalf of the fire company were President, Leo Kretchick and Fire Chief, Claude Seeley, Jr. Dr. Probst and Dr. Porter expressed accolades to the fire company for its work in the ambulance service.
The Scuba Team formed in 1969 with charter members John Edwards, Jeff Edwards and Don Ciccioni. The team continued to grow as they were called upon to recover drowning victims and many sunken boats, vehicles, motors, etc.. A letter was received from the State Police Underwater Search Team thanking the Tafton Scuba Team and the fire company, for the hospitality they received while working here in Palmyra Township. On June 20, 1980 a demonstration was held with the State Police and Navy Scuba teams participating.
1988, the Tafton Fire Company agreed to purchase the equipment and inventory from Tanglewood, who was disbanding their fire company. The Tafton Fire Company continues to grow in personnel, equipment and community support. During the year 2000 a record setting 1,930 blueberry pancake breakfasts were served. Other records recorded that same year were 159 fire calls, 547 ambulance runs and 64 fire police requests.